As, most of the world knows, we are leaving on vacation in 2 days! (woohoo!) It was a goal of ours to have all our bills paid and current before we left on vacation. Mostly because in the past we have been caught up in the excitement of actually getting ready to leave and we space our bills, only to come home to past due notices and late fees. This time we put them first and our trip second.
We have three bills left to pay before we leave; Gas, water, and satellite... We have our trip budget set aside and we have vowed not to use it, or dip into it until the day we leave. So, trying to be on the ball, I total up the bills, and match it against what I will be making in the next two days with grooms. (Not wanting to take my checking account any lower or I wont have any spending money for fun things.) My heart sinks... $30 short. In my brain, one dog groom short. The one groom who had an appointment that would have made everything balance, who cancelled two days ago...dang.
Frustrated, I head back to the laundry room, my second home these days. I am folding laundry, my resolve to go on vacation with all my bills paid is fading, and I am just about ready to dip into the vacation fund for that extra $30. Then from out of nowhere, an old song from church comes into my head. Jahovah Jireh, My provider... I am humming along and all at once everything clicks! My provider, if its meant to be, then HE will provide that extra $30 for me. About that time, like almost the same instant that the little LED bulb went off above my head, the phone rings. Its a client, who "desperately needs to get their dog in..." come to find out, they can only do it at the exact same time slot as the cancellation from a few days ago.
And Voila! Just like that... Jahovah Jireh!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Kids are like Cats?
I was sitting in the recliner the other night with Logan on my chest, his sweet little face all nuzzled into my neck. How precious are moments like those?! Then, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that it reminded me of a childhood cat named Macintosh. Little Mac was an odd cat. When we got her as a kitten, some like 7 weeks old, the reason why we pick her out is because we thought she was a HE. She had a perfect little tuft of hair back there that even the vet's mistook it for a set of nuts. I remember dropping her off at the vet and getting home in time to have the vet call and ask if they could SPAY her instead of NEUTERING him! So, needless to say, she started off ODD.
Time went on, and she grew up and this cat was bi-polar I swear! If she climbed up into your lab to curl up and take a nap... you didn't dare, move her, pet her, touch her, even think about touching her... she would bite and claw you to death. Other times she was the most lovable cat you can imagine. You could be petting her and scratching her behind the ears and she would purr and nudge you with her nose to encourage more pets, then with no warning, she would bite, wrap her front paws around you and start kicking with her back legs. Like I said BI-POLAR!
The other thing she would do is she would sleep quite literally on your head. If you were sitting up, she would get just as far up on your chest as possible. This was okay at first, then she started getting warm, then she started getting heavy and the next thing you know you feel like your chest is going to cave in from the weight. But you don't dare move her, lest you want your hand removed.
This brings me back to Logan. He was sleeping so peacefully on my chest, all nestled into my neck with his head... sweet as can be... Then I realized, cant feel my arm, there is something warm and wet running down my shirt...(drool...) my chest is heavy and my neck hurts from holding it kinked to one side for so long. But, I don't dare move him, lest I want to sit up with him for the next hour and wait for him to get sleepy again. And I would never trade either of those memories for the world.
Time went on, and she grew up and this cat was bi-polar I swear! If she climbed up into your lab to curl up and take a nap... you didn't dare, move her, pet her, touch her, even think about touching her... she would bite and claw you to death. Other times she was the most lovable cat you can imagine. You could be petting her and scratching her behind the ears and she would purr and nudge you with her nose to encourage more pets, then with no warning, she would bite, wrap her front paws around you and start kicking with her back legs. Like I said BI-POLAR!
The other thing she would do is she would sleep quite literally on your head. If you were sitting up, she would get just as far up on your chest as possible. This was okay at first, then she started getting warm, then she started getting heavy and the next thing you know you feel like your chest is going to cave in from the weight. But you don't dare move her, lest you want your hand removed.
This brings me back to Logan. He was sleeping so peacefully on my chest, all nestled into my neck with his head... sweet as can be... Then I realized, cant feel my arm, there is something warm and wet running down my shirt...(drool...) my chest is heavy and my neck hurts from holding it kinked to one side for so long. But, I don't dare move him, lest I want to sit up with him for the next hour and wait for him to get sleepy again. And I would never trade either of those memories for the world.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
7 Days and Counting
Have you ever been so emotionally linked to something that you cannot think what to do next? It could be like when you first hear bad news... that state of shock, where the world stops spinning and its up to you to make it go again. In my case, its not bad news at all. Its 100% pure excitement! There is one week left before our vacation. I know there is a mountain of things that need doing, but for the life of me, I cannot think of a single thing! I guess its time to make a list.
SPEAKING of lists... My dear husband, bless his heart, is more excited then I! In all his excitement and his lists, like at 4 of them, he managed to pack ALL the diapers from the nursery. So, at 5:30am when Logan decided that the rumble in his tummy would prevail over sleep, I had to trek a half naked, half asleep, crying babe down the stairs in search for a daiper. While I love that my husband is trying to think ahead and make sure he thinks of everything, somethings should just be put off until the last minute!
Other things, need to be done ahead, but its those things in which I cannot think of! I suppose, instead of sitting here typing my thoughts, I should be getting started on my list. But, maybe, after I switch the laundry again?
SPEAKING of lists... My dear husband, bless his heart, is more excited then I! In all his excitement and his lists, like at 4 of them, he managed to pack ALL the diapers from the nursery. So, at 5:30am when Logan decided that the rumble in his tummy would prevail over sleep, I had to trek a half naked, half asleep, crying babe down the stairs in search for a daiper. While I love that my husband is trying to think ahead and make sure he thinks of everything, somethings should just be put off until the last minute!
Other things, need to be done ahead, but its those things in which I cannot think of! I suppose, instead of sitting here typing my thoughts, I should be getting started on my list. But, maybe, after I switch the laundry again?
Monday, May 10, 2010
Happy Mothers Day
Yesterday was a good day. Dispite my migrane of a headache all day long, things went pretty good. Went to church, took a brief nap then Justin came home and we headed down the road. Justin treated me to supper at Hickory Park, in Ames. It was Delicious as always! We wondered around Target for a bit and came home.
On the way home we were practicing our ABC's and 123's with Blake... The alphabet when like this.
(my voice in the capitals...)
A...b...C...?...D...ddd (Blakenese for DVD) you...J...justin?...K...k...L...ell...M...emm...N...emm...O...okay...P...poopoo...Q... coo?... R...? S...ess ...T... tee... U... me! ... V...vee? ... W ...? X... sex... Y... I dunno ... Z ... zee!
Then once we got done with the alphabet, I tried the 123's... this is what I got.
Me, "1...2...3..." Blake, "Good Job mommy!" I gave up...
On the way home we were practicing our ABC's and 123's with Blake... The alphabet when like this.
(my voice in the capitals...)
A...b...C...?...D...ddd (Blakenese for DVD) you...J...justin?...K...k...L...ell...M...emm...N...emm...O...okay...P...poopoo...Q... coo?... R...? S...ess ...T... tee... U... me! ... V...vee? ... W ...? X... sex... Y... I dunno ... Z ... zee!
Then once we got done with the alphabet, I tried the 123's... this is what I got.
Me, "1...2...3..." Blake, "Good Job mommy!" I gave up...
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Blake the Bully
Tears found my eyes as I drove home from church with my little bully in the back seat. Its a conversation that no mom wants to have with the caretaker of their child, "Blake pushed down every child, and was throwing toys."
I guess I can honestly say that I am not surprised. He learned to throw a few weekends ago, a milestone, and a skill that every quarterback will need, but not a desired habit for inside. And certainly NOT one that you want for a 2 year old to be doing at another child out of anger or rage. We have known for a while that Blake has his fathers temper. A temper that has mellowed significantly since Blake was born but still a temper that flairs none the less. As far as the pushing down of other kids... I have no idea. I have seen him hit his little brother on a few occasions, mostly linked to him not getting his way. I feel as though if this keeps up, we will not be able to attend church anymore, or other functions where he will hurt other kids.
He honestly and completely broke my heart. Not my child. My child wouldn't hit another. I think its one of those things that you think your kids wont do. I thought I had taught him better then that. Apparently not. On some level I feel as I have failed as a parent. BUT, I cannot dwell on that. I must fix this! Some research must be done. I WILL NOT LET THIS CONTINUE!
I guess I can honestly say that I am not surprised. He learned to throw a few weekends ago, a milestone, and a skill that every quarterback will need, but not a desired habit for inside. And certainly NOT one that you want for a 2 year old to be doing at another child out of anger or rage. We have known for a while that Blake has his fathers temper. A temper that has mellowed significantly since Blake was born but still a temper that flairs none the less. As far as the pushing down of other kids... I have no idea. I have seen him hit his little brother on a few occasions, mostly linked to him not getting his way. I feel as though if this keeps up, we will not be able to attend church anymore, or other functions where he will hurt other kids.
He honestly and completely broke my heart. Not my child. My child wouldn't hit another. I think its one of those things that you think your kids wont do. I thought I had taught him better then that. Apparently not. On some level I feel as I have failed as a parent. BUT, I cannot dwell on that. I must fix this! Some research must be done. I WILL NOT LET THIS CONTINUE!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
It's been a few days since my last post. We have been gone! I took a few days off to enjoy the not so nice weather and also to spend some time with my boys! We hooked up the camper and went to Denison. Thursday-Day, was GOREGOUS! Snapped lots of cute pictures of the boys and then my camera died! Bummer. We braved the storm Thursday night, and Friday we went to Council Bluffs to run some errands.
The Countdown is ON! 18 Days until Operation Ocean 2010 commences!
Enjoy some pictures of our camping trip!

The Countdown is ON! 18 Days until Operation Ocean 2010 commences!
Enjoy some pictures of our camping trip!
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