Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Mothers Day

Yesterday was a good day. Dispite my migrane of a headache all day long, things went pretty good. Went to church, took a brief nap then Justin came home and we headed down the road. Justin treated me to supper at Hickory Park, in Ames. It was Delicious as always! We wondered around Target for a bit and came home.

On the way home we were practicing our ABC's and 123's with Blake... The alphabet when like this.

(my voice in the capitals...)

A...b...C...?...D...ddd (Blakenese for DVD) you...J...justin?...K...k...L...ell...M...emm...N...emm...O...okay...P...poopoo...Q... coo?... R...? S...ess ...T... tee... U... me! ... V...vee? ... W ...? X... sex... Y... I dunno ... Z ... zee!

Then once we got done with the alphabet, I tried the 123's... this is what I got.

Me, "1...2...3..." Blake, "Good Job mommy!" I gave up...

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