Thursday, May 13, 2010

Kids are like Cats?

I was sitting in the recliner the other night with Logan on my chest, his sweet little face all nuzzled into my neck. How precious are moments like those?! Then, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that it reminded me of a childhood cat named Macintosh. Little Mac was an odd cat. When we got her as a kitten, some like 7 weeks old, the reason why we pick her out is because we thought she was a HE. She had a perfect little tuft of hair back there that even the vet's mistook it for a set of nuts. I remember dropping her off at the vet and getting home in time to have the vet call and ask if they could SPAY her instead of NEUTERING him! So, needless to say, she started off ODD.

Time went on, and she grew up and this cat was bi-polar I swear! If she climbed up into your lab to curl up and take a nap... you didn't dare, move her, pet her, touch her, even think about touching her... she would bite and claw you to death. Other times she was the most lovable cat you can imagine. You could be petting her and scratching her behind the ears and she would purr and nudge you with her nose to encourage more pets, then with no warning, she would bite, wrap her front paws around you and start kicking with her back legs. Like I said BI-POLAR!

The other thing she would do is she would sleep quite literally on your head. If you were sitting up, she would get just as far up on your chest as possible. This was okay at first, then she started getting warm, then she started getting heavy and the next thing you know you feel like your chest is going to cave in from the weight. But you don't dare move her, lest you want your hand removed.

This brings me back to Logan. He was sleeping so peacefully on my chest, all nestled into my neck with his head... sweet as can be... Then I realized, cant feel my arm, there is something warm and wet running down my shirt...(drool...) my chest is heavy and my neck hurts from holding it kinked to one side for so long. But, I don't dare move him, lest I want to sit up with him for the next hour and wait for him to get sleepy again. And I would never trade either of those memories for the world.


  1. Kids and pets...somehow those lines get blurred..HEHEHE

  2. Macintosh was indeed a strange cat...seems like the longer we had her, the crazier she got! It's probably because she didn't have an identity! He was a she and then an it!
